We went on a family ski trip with my family: my mom and dad, my brother and his family, my sister and her husband, and our little family of four. We all chipped in and rented a condo that was a short-ish walk to the ski gondola and had tons of fun. It was a great trip -- I should have made a separate blog post about it, but I didn't...so...oh well.
Then we had Claire's 4th birthday right after we got back from our family ski trip. And I have zero party pictures, but here she is enjoying birthday pancakes - which is becoming an Allen family tradition:
The hubby had a birthday, there was some snow - which was super fun with our new steep driveway that made the perfect little sledding hill, and we had a really great family Valentines' day lunch. (Which is funny to me because before I had kids I really disliked/wasn't interested in celebrating Valentine's day.) I guess I just have a lot more love to share/show now.
In March Claire got to go see the new live action Cinderella movie (which she LOVED). Amelia got her first haircut. Claire got her 999th haircut. Lots of "doctor the sister" was played. And we found out we were expecting again...
This was a busy month for us. I was working on a Women's Retreat with the Women's Council at our church. I was vomiting a lot (thank you pregnancy hormones). We went to the theater for Amelia's first "big movie" experience (to see Home). And it was Amelia's birthday month:
In may the hubby and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. I vomited some more (still pregnancy hormones). We went to "Stuck on a Truck", spent some time at the library, celebrated our niece's first birthday, and just had lots of fun (except for the vomiting part).
We acted crazy, went to the park, had fun at birthday parties, tried out the water park, picked flowers, Gator Golfed, went to a Naturals baseball game, took a "Frozen" dance class, and got our summer off to a really great start:
We saw "Inside Out" as a family (the girls and momma really enjoyed it). We loved on each other (and fought and bickered too), we practiced shaving with daddy, we ate lots of Popsicles, read some books, and ate at "3 Crazy Berries."
We played outside, made funny faces, met our new nephew, "whip" "nae, nae'd", fell asleep in the car, pretended to fall asleep in the car, and had a substantially pregnant belly (6 months).
The girls have been sharing a room together since the beginning of the summer and at some point we got bunk beds and painted the walls a new color (green, obviously), but it wasn't until August that I actually took a picture of their room, so I included it here.
When we get back from our vacay I will be starting my third trimester. How is summer over and this year more than half over? How am I just three months away from family member five joining us? I should know by now that this is just the way time works. Speeds on by while we have fun and figure out how to get along as a family of four (soon to be five).
And yes, I only posted the "happy" pictures and videos, but don't you worry we've had a real life this year. There have been plenty of mommy fails, sister fights, marriage ups and downs, and all the rest of things that make life go round. Nobody (at least not me) wants those moments documented for eternity though and I wouldn't change anything about our life right now (except for maybe the pregnancy vomiting). And I love who I get to go on this ride with. I love my family...even on the days when I want to strangle each and every one of them. (Thankfully, by the grace of God I restrain myself).