I am 36 weeks pregnant with daughter number 3. My pregnancy app tells me that I have been pregnant for 250+ days - which seems like a really long time to me - even though in the grand scheme of things it is not that long.
This pregnancy has definitely been the most difficult. Because of my experience, I assume that subsequent pregnancies would just be progressively worse. Also I am getting older - now I am experiencing pregnancy in my thirties. Agh! Here are some examples of how it has been more difficult: I had all day nausea for two trimesters (instead of one), I have vomited a lot more frequently, and I have had some other weird aches and pains that I did not experience in previous pregnancies. For example: my Braxton Hicks contractions now have a more crampy feeling than just tightening pressure and I have pregnancy carpal tunnel in my hands/wrists -- SUPER FUN! :-/. Plus, I still get to experience all of the usual things that I have dealt with in past pregnancies: back pain, trouble sleeping, major heartburn (my girls are born with lots of hair in case you were wondering), and general discomfort due to carrying a tiny human inside my ever-expanding uterus for many months.
I know, I know...pregnancy sounds super fun and at the end of it you get a newborn who spits up, poops, and cries about a lot of stuff. Why do people do this? I can't really explain it because there is certainly a lot one could complain about, but there are also these feelings and experiences that you get to partake in that are amazingly wonderful. This tiny human who can be really sweet and cuddly and depends on you for its survival. Also, if you have more than one you get to watch them bond and love each other as siblings which has become one of my very most favorite things. It can be really heart melting - when they aren't screaming at each other. :-)
Anyway, I am pretty positive that this will be my last pregnancy, so I am trying to document it and "enjoy" it as much as I can. Both of these tasks are difficult because a) I have two small children who need things from me and b) I kind of think being pregnant sucks - not being able to be pregnant or getting a baby through pregnancy - I know what an amazing gift both of those things are and that there are many women who would deal with much worse than I have in order to experience it. However, being sick for nine months takes a toll.
So I am nearing the finish line and I am exhausted. I am tired of being sick. I am tired from lack of sleep. I am tired mentally, physically, and spiritually, but somehow God is managing to get me through each day, one day at a time. Thank you Jesus! So, there is my recap of this pregnancy so far. Four more weeks to go. And now I have to go shake my hands out because they are numb and tingling.