I didn't post anything on social media; which in this day and age, begs the question, "did it happen?" However, yesterday was our 15th wedding anniversary. Fifteen years of marriage. Fifteen years of choosing one another, forgiving one another, and building our life together.
Our marriage has been through some of the toughest trials we have ever faced over the last three years, so this milestone feels especially big and special. Monumental.
Last night we received word that my Aunt - who's health has been in decline for some months - was most likely not going to make it through the night. This morning we got confirmation that she had passed. She was a believer, so though we feel the loss of her acutely, we are not without hope. Death.
Deep sadness at our loss, but rejoicing that she is with Jesus; both feelings mingled together.
On my drive to work, as I cried over the passing of my aunt from this world, I saw a family of geese with three new goslings. The grass was a vibrant green and the trees and flowers were blooming.
Rebirth. New life. Spring.
The world keeps turning. New life and death interwoven.
Life is the delight of the mountain top and the anguish of the valley. Gray days and sun. Bittersweet.
Joy and sorrow.