Today I am thankful for our pets: Shelby, Toby, Bella, and...even Alice.They almost literally drive me crazy some days, but when it is all said and done I love the little stinkers. All of our dogs and cats are pound puppies/kitties or rescues. And they are all extremely lazy:
Shelby is our oldest dog. I got her right around the time that Jared and I started dating, so I always say that she is as old as our relationship. She is a 45 lb dog who is pretty sure, despite her size and weight, that she is a lap dog. I am convinced that she has no idea how big she is. She loves people and attention. She got a lot of it being the first/only dog for a while, but she has adapted very well to all of her siblings.
She is very loving and has a mothering personality. She always wants to make sure everyone is getting along and is well taken care of. I never worried about how Shelby would adapt when Claire arrived. I was pretty sure she would adopt her as part of the family just as she did all our other pets as they arrived. Of course she drives me insane. She cannot stand to be left alone. She really likes being long as you are out there with her. Mostly she just hates being left out or behind. I love her anyway.
Toby is our oldest cat. I talked Jared into taking me to get a kitten after receiving some depressing news one night - yes I am a recovering emotional pet adopter. Originally Toby's name was Cami. The place we adopted him from told us he was a girl. It wasn't until a few months after adopting him that I realized he wasn't going to need to be spayed, but rather neutered. That was an awkward conversation to have with the vet over the phone. "Um, she is, um, he has...testicles."
Toby is my favorite pet. He has the most beautiful eyes and the softest, silkiest fur. We always thought Toby was kind of a bad kitty...until we got Alice. Now we realize what a wonderful pet he really is. He really is the sweetest cat you will never see, because when strangers come over he hides: under the bed, behind the washing machine, in our kitchen cabinets, etc. And he gives us the least amount of grief of all our pets.
Bella was the next pet to come along. She is the cutest dog ever; a fact that causes her much anxiety and grief. Everyone who sees us walking our dogs wants to pet Bella (how could you resist that wrinkly face?). She hates the attention. She is so wary of strangers and gets super freaked out. Whereas Shelby would LOVE to have all of that attention, Bella runs, tail-tucked between her legs from it. She has warmed up so much and changed so much from the night we brought her home. I am such a proud pet mommy.

I was a little wary about how Bella would react to a volatile and unpredictable toddler, but she has been so beyond fabulous with Claire. She even tolerates Claire patting and scratching her. Shelby is still the only pet that allows Claire to "bounce" on her -- though I don't blame Bella, Toby, or Alice for that one--I don't like it when Claire bounces on me either. I wish other people could meet the sweet Bella that we know and love, but she is just too busy freaking out when strangers come over/near her. Oh well...
Alice is the bane of my existence. She is our youngest cat. She has the most adorable pink nose ever, and that is her only redeeming quality. Usually, Alice is a guest favorite. She is our most friendly, but least overwhelming pet. She will rub against your leg to greet you and might even hop in your lap for some pets. However "cute" and "sweet" she appears, do not be fooled.
I really think that Alice is mentally disabled. She drools if she gets too comfortable. She cannot jump up onto objects that should be child's play for a normal cat. She falls and tumbles over every time she tries to get down from a surface (no she doesn't always land on her feet). She knocks everything off of anywhere that she is capable of climbing on to. She gets into everything. And yet, somehow, she has still managed to weasel her way into our hearts. How did I ever let Jared talk me into getting that kitty?
Despite all of the weird personality quirks and the grief that our pets give us we really do love them, and they bring us all kinds of joy--occasionally. : )
So today I am thankful for our pets.