38 wks |
40 wks |
39 wks |
36 wks |
30 wks |
33 wks |
22 wks |
28 wks |
26 wks |
I have done a lot better about taking semi-regular pictures of the bump this pregnancy. Of course...I didn't have a chance to take a 39 week pic or a 40 week pic with Claire---because she graced us with her presence a week early.
I am trying really hard not to become super depressed about the fact that I am still pregnant, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. I know I am--and should feel--blessed to have a full-term, healthy pregnancy - and I do - but I am also exhausted and really sick of being sick. The vomiting, heartburn, insomnia that starts around 3:00am each morning, and back pain all make it hard to appreciate being pregnant.
Also, I really wish people would just stop telling me how ready they are for Amelia to get here. Really? You're ready? You don't want to wait a few more weeks? I know you are ready. You want to know how I know? Because I am the one baking this kid and I am more than ready - beyond ready - and I have been for WEEKS!
And guess what...I am doing
everything that I can think of (or find on the Internet--with the exception of drinking Castor Oil - I will
NOT do that) to try and speed the process along. ;-)
Okay, so now that I am done venting, let me just tell you how anxious/excited I am about meeting this little girl. I am thinking she takes after her daddy (read: totally laid back and not in any kind of hurry). I have so many questions about her. Will she have a ton of hair like Claire? What will she look like? How will she be similar to and/or different from Claire? So many things I want to know...I wish she would hurry up and help me answer some of them.
I made sure that I would have all of my chores and "To Do" list items completed at least a week early just in case (because Claire was early and I am always early, and so I expected Amelia to follow suit). So now I am sitting around with nothing to occupy my time (other than usual motherhood/household chores). Thank goodness for my Mom to Mom bible study, grocery shopping, and laundry. I am pretty sure those are the only things keeping me sane during this waiting game. And also my husband, friends, and family who invite me out to do stuff - so I don't just sit around the house all day lamenting Amelia's tardiness.
I know in a year these last few weeks will seem like no time at all, but right now the time is dragging by and each day and each night feels like an eternity.
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