Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

My birthday was pretty low-key this year. Pretty much everybody was busy or gone on my actual birthday, so Jared and I just went out to dinner with Claire to celebrate as a family.

The next night we had dinner at my parent's house, I opened presents, and then we went to the square to see the lights and let Claire ride the ponies (she LOVES a good pony ride). Here are some pictures of the birthday celebrations:



Later this same week Jared's parents kept Claire for us while we went to see The Hobbit and have dinner with some friends in commemoration of my turning 30. It was a pretty good birthday and it wasn't so terrible to turn 30. I think 30 looks pretty good on my if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Turning 30

I think it is kind of fitting that this is my 100th post and today is my thirtieth birthday. I have definitely been making all of the requisite jokes, leading up to this birthday, over the last few months. You know the ones about having one foot in the grave and impending death, because life is pretty much over after thirty. ; )

To be honest I feel pretty much the same today as I have all this year and last year. The same as I have every year since I had a kiddo. Also, I don't have any lingering regrets (yet). I am where I thought that I should expect to be in life by this age. Except for the fact that I was counting on being gainfully employed (I wouldn't trade staying home with Claire, and starting next year Amelia, for anything). I have a career, even if it has been postponed, that I love. I have a wonderful, loving husband. I have a beautiful daughter and another one on the way. I am growing in my relationship with Christ and my family is happy and healthy. What more could I ask for?

I am so very blessed. I know there are days and moments when I take all of the things I have been given for granted, but today I am counting my blessings as well as my years. And I am here to say, "I am not scared of you thirty." I have achieved a great many wonderful things in thirty years and I cannot wait to see what the next thirty hold for me. So, happy birthday to me.

I was going to post a picture of myself and then realized that I don't have one. I could only find one picture of myself (without a baby, or spouse, etc.) that was taken in the last three years and I have braces in it. So you are stuck with just my words today. 

Friday, December 7, 2012


I was curious about how my preggo pics would compare, so I pasted one from each pregnancy here:

Claire - 25 weeks

Amelia - 22 wks
Amelia - 26 weeks

I definitely look bigger this time around from these two pictures. Which is weird to me; because at my 20 week appointment with Claire the doctor told me I was measuring large and at my 20 week appointment with Amelia the (same) doctor told me I was measuring small.

Thankfully, my weight has been fine. In fact, I hadn't gained any between appointments the last time I saw the doctor (probably due to the vomiting that is still occurring). : /

So if you were morbidly curious about my bump this pregnancy compared to last pregnancy, my weight gain or lack there of, and my morning sickness, hopefully this post sated your need. And if you weren't...well too bad because I was. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Amelia Jo

I have done a terrible job of documenting this pregnancy. I am not going to be mad at myself about it though; I have been living life and enjoying my daughter, husband, and our families.

It did not take nearly as long this pregnancy to get a noticeable bump, but it has (thankfully) not expanded as rapidly as I feared it would at first. 

I am definitely still pukey some days, but overall I feel pretty good. I guess I get to be sick off and on the whole time with this little girl too. I have a lot more energy than I did a month or two ago. However, after my recent road trip to Austin I have been having to play catch-up on my sleep. I have been taking afternoon naps and still going to bed before ten. : )

I am still a little small for a lot of my maternity pants, but if I use a Bella Band I can make them work. I also still wear some non-maternity pants with a Bella Band, but not very often (it just is not as comfortable). I think the Bella Band was one of the greatest inventions ever for pregnant women--that and Preggie-Pop drops.

My absolute favorite thing now is that I am feeling little Amelia wiggle, squirm, and kick on a daily basis. I think we are just a short while a way from Jared being able to feel her kicks too. He said he thought he felt something a night or two ago when she made a big move/kick. Really, in my opinion, baby wiggles are the only redeeming quality of pregnancy--it just is NOT for me.

Pregnancy with a toddler is a whole new ballgame and I am having to learn what I am and am not capable of each day. I am definitely glad that I am not having to balance work along with all of my other responsibilities this time around. Also, it makes me extremely thankful that Mimi and Juju live in town and love my little Claire bear. In fact, Juju took Claire to the local library this morning - so I have gotten some Christmas shopping, two loads of laundry, and this blog post finished. : ) Yay for grandparents and productivity. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Days 22-30

So I kind of fell off the wagon towards the end of the month. I promise I was still being thankful, but I just didn't take the time to write about it. First we had the Thanksgiving holiday and family in town - and I wasn't about to sit at my computer typing when I could be hanging out with my family and eating delicious food. Then my mom, Claire, and I got the chance to drive to Austin and meet Claire's new baby cousin and my niece (I am officially an Aunt!). So I am going to try to make up for the days I missed as succinctly as possible.

Day 22 - This day I was thankful for the Thanksgiving holiday. We had some great family time and some delicious food. It was an excellent day - except for nap-time, but that is neither here not there.

Day 23 - I was thankful that the in-laws had some tickets to the Ark vs. LSU game that they weren't using and Jared and I reaped the benefits. It was a really good game to watch. We lost - which was sad - but at least we didn't get creamed. Also, I should have put more layers on...it was cold!

Day 24 - I was thankful for a quiet day at home with Jared and Claire. We got our Christmas decor out and almost all put up. I got to listen to my Christmas music and get ready for the Christmas season.

Day 25 - This day I was thankful for a helpful, loving husband who took care of Claire and me while I was feeling pukey. So glad that he doesn't run and hide when the going gets tough. : )

Day 26 - On this day, I was thankful that we had a safe day of driving on our way to visit David and Ashley and Sutton - and I was thankful for the Cracker Barrel store which was a much needed distraction for Claire after a long day of driving.

Day 27 - I was thankful for the new baby-doll and stroller that entertained Claire for a good portion of the day, so that my mom could hold her new granddaughter. Claire was definitely more jealous when Mimi was holding baby Sutton than when mommy was.

Day 28 - This day I was thankful for getting some time to hang out with my brother and getting to watch him be a daddy to his new little girl. Also, that my mom and I got to babysit Sutton, so that David could go have lunch with his friend.

Day 29 - I am still thankful that my mom and I made the smart decision to get through Dallas on day one of our travel - on the way to Austin and on the way home. And that it was a really beautiful day. We got to take a walk with David, Ashley, and Sutton and enjoy our last hours with them before packing up and saying goodbye. We had a really great visit with them and the goodbye was definitely bittersweet. 

Day 30 - I was thankful that we got to spend some time with Dorothy and that Claire was such a super, duper traveler again. She really just goes with the flow and it is SO helpful. Also, I was REALLY thankful to get home and see my husband and sleep in my own bed.

I am so, so thankful for all of the blessings I have in my life. So many things that there aren't enough days in a month to list them all! The Lord really has bestowed favor and mercy on my family and me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 21

Today I am thankful for technology.

Monday morning we went in for our 20 week ultrasound. It was so amazing to see baby #2's little feet, hands, nose, and beating heart.

That little four-chambered, beating heart is one of my absolute favorite things to see. The heartbeat, for me, is the first tangible evidence of the human growing inside you after the positive pregnancy test (other than the vomiting - if you have morning sickness like I do/did). It is hard to believe there is a little life forming within your body, but that heartbeat is undeniable confirmation. It is one of the most precious sounds to me.

I also used to work on the cardiac floor of a hospital. So I am fairly well acquainted with the sounds and workings of the human heart. Seeing it on that monitor is so amazing. Four distinct chambers. Pumping alternately, in rhythm, working together. I just love it.

Also, it is amazing that we now know more about this little person that will be making its debut into our family this coming April. We got to see #2 sucking its toes and laying its arm over its face - hiding from the "camera." The baby has a name now. We can start imagining its life with more detail.

Baby #2 sucking its toes.

So today I am thankful for the technology that allows me to feel more connected to this tiny, little person growing inside me.

And yes. We are going to share the sex and the name with you all, but we are waiting until our immediate family know first. So you have to be patient. : )

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 20

Today I am thankful for beautiful fall leaves.

This is one of the first only years,  I can think of, that I have actually enjoyed raking leaves. I haven't enjoyed raking them because it is so much fun to do, but I have enjoyed raking them up into big piles for Claire to jump into and run through. She just gets so much joy out of the smallest little things.

The smile that "finding" some leaves and then finding "more leaves" brings to her face is priceless. I really cannot describe in words how amazing it is. So because of the smile and giggles that it elicits from my daughter I have joyfully raked the leaves from our trees into two giant piles.

Also, who doesn't love all of the colors the leaves on the trees turn during a beautiful fall. The trees in our yard turn a bright yellow and there is a gorgeous red tree down the street from our house. I love seeing all the different shades of red, green, yellow, orange, and brown mixing together to make one of my favorite landscapes: fall in a four season state.

So today I am thankful for the fall leaves and the gorgeous weather we have had that makes it possible to go out and enjoy them. 

I am also thankful for the fact that Claire's enjoyment comes from having the leaves to play in, so I haven't had to bag them and carry them to the curb yet. : )

Monday, November 19, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 19

Today I am thankful for Abigail Grace. Abigail would have been 8 months today.

I am still wrestling with the loss of this precious child of God. I still ache when I think of her and her parents. However, I have already seen the way that God is working through her short life to do His good will and work. I have seen it in my own life, the lives of others, and in the lives of Abigail's family. 

Abigail's life on this earth was brief, but her fleeting life and the legacy she left behind have already made such a huge impact in a number of people's lives. I pray to God everyday that my life can have even a fraction of the significance for His kingdom that Abigail's short life has already had and will continue to have. Those of us left behind, especially her family, are still grieving our loss of sweet Abigail, but God already had a plan laid out in advance.  And though it has been such a short time here on earth, since she went to be with her Father, I cannot count the number of lives that have been touched by her brief existence.God gave Abigail an amazing legacy. When she is reunited with her parent's they can rejoice together in His good work.

I am also thankful for Abigail's parents. What they went through and are continuing to endure is beyond me. I cannot fathom holding it together through that situation, and I know it is only by the grace of God that anyone makes it out of such devastating loss alive. I also know that they continue to grieve deeply for the loss of their daughter, but they also have such joy in knowing that she is with her Father and that they will see each other again one day. Their hope and joy brings me hope and joy.

So today I am thankful for Abigail, her parents, and the amazing legacy she left behind that continues to grow and move people.

If you want to know more about Abigail's story you can read my previous post (here), or her mother has a blog as well (here).

Sunday, November 18, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 18

Today I am thankful for our church, Pastor, and church family.

It took Jared and I a while to find a church that we were both comfortable at. And even longer to make it our official church home, but I am so glad that we did. I think the greatest part of our church is our Pastor. He preaches the word of God. It is an amazing blessing. We don't get sugary sweet sermons every Sunday, but we get God's truths. And that has made a huge difference in my walk with the Lord.

The next best part of our church is the fellowship. We have an amazing group of couples in our Sunday morning Bible Fellowship class. I am so grateful to get to study the word with each and every one of them. It really has been a gift for Jared and I to get to know and study with other Godly couples whose priorities are their own personal relationships with Jesus and understanding His word better.

There are so many amazing opportunities for our family at our church.  I am in a mom to mom bible study that allows me to get to know other moms who are going through and experiencing the same kinds of things that I am. I am also in a women's bible study where I get to meet and know women of all ages and walks of life. It truly is amazing to see how God is working in the lives of other mom's just like me, women who have been there done that, and women who are on their way to the stage of life I am in. I am so thankful for the opportunities I have through our local church to meet so many different women and get glimpses of how God is working in each of their lives.

So today I am thankful for our Church, our dedicated Pastor, and the family we have made with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. 

30 Days of Thankful: Day 17

Today I am thankful for friends.

I have had many good friends over the years. Unfortunately I am not really great at keeping up with people whom I do not interact with on a semi-regular basis. Facebook has made it exceedingly easy to feel "connected" to people that I just don't talk to all that often. I really am ashamed at how I have let some of my closest friendships slip because it is difficult to find the time to call/email. However little I interact with a select group of people they are still very important to me and the impact they have had on my life is meaningful.

Here are some great friendships that I am thankful for (in no particular order):

My college roommates Rose and Ashley. We all live in different cities now, but you were my lifelines in college. You kept me sane and grounded. All of my favorite college memories include one or the both of you. Thanks for sharing things like SNL's the Best of Will Ferrell, baked ziti (isn't this what we made by the giant pan-full), and all of our crazy shenanigans with me. College would not have been as much fun without the two of you and I miss you both like crazy.

Mary is my oldest friend, or should I say the friend I have known the longest. We have been friends since we were just babies. Now we have babies of our own and they look remarkably similar to the pictures of us when we were young. We have grown and changed and our friendship has too, but it is just as important and meaningful to me now as it was then.

Leah was my church buddy growing up. We were some of the only consistent girls in our Sunday school class from grade school through high school. Leah kept me sane and gave me an excuse to not have to sit with my parents during big church. Leah is one of my closest friends now. We both have a kiddo at this point and Leah is always up for an adventure. We walk together and take "fitness" classes together. I love reminiscing about old times with her and also making new memories.

Jennifer was good friends with Leah and so I started hanging out with her towards the end of high school. Jennifer is a friend who convinces me that it is okay to be flexible and just go with the flow. She is a fun-loving girl who loves life and lives it to the fullest. She has a little boy that is a little more than six months older than Claire, so I always asked her for advice when Claire was little. I love getting those two munchkins together and having play dates with them.

My SHS friends are some of the dearest women I have ever met. I consider these ladies my "grown-up" friends. They have only known me since I was a married, professional woman, so they can't hold my youth against me. ; ) I don't know if I would have survived my three years of high school teaching without these ladies. They know who they are, but I feel the need to mention their names anyway: Leecie, Cindy, Allison, Summer, Chelsea, and Kelli. I do miss my students and the classroom part of teaching, but aside from that they are what I miss most from SHS. (Why don't I have any pictures with you girls?!?!? Oh yeah...we were busy.)

Katie - my grad school bestie. I definitely would not have made it through the MAT program without her friendship and constant support. She is my other half. I swear the two of us together can do magic. We came up with some really stellar ideas together. She moved away from me and I am trying to forgive her for that, but it hasn't been easy (yeah, yeah, she needed a job...whatever). I miss hanging out with her and talking about all the craziness in our lives. We are both so busy that it is hard to keep in touch, but Katie - you still mean the world to me and you always will.

There are so many other people I could acknowledge who have played important roles in my life as friends, but I would be up all night writing. So just know that if we were friends I still consider you a friend and I am grateful for the time that I got to spend with you. I hope that I impacted your life in as many good ways as you have impacted mine.

So today I am thankful for my friends.

Friday, November 16, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 16

Today I am thankful for our pets: Shelby, Toby, Bella, and...even Alice.They almost literally drive me crazy some days, but when it is all said and done I love the little stinkers. All of our dogs and cats are pound puppies/kitties or rescues. And they are all extremely lazy:

Shelby is our oldest dog. I got her right around the time that Jared and I started dating, so I always say that she is as old as our relationship. She is a 45 lb dog who is pretty sure, despite her size and weight, that she is a lap dog. I am convinced that she has no idea how big she is. She loves people and attention. She got a lot of it being the first/only dog for a while, but she has adapted very well to all of her siblings.

She is very loving and has a mothering personality. She always wants to make sure everyone is getting along and is well taken care of. I never worried about how Shelby would adapt when Claire arrived. I was pretty sure she would adopt her as part of the family just as she did all our other pets as they arrived. Of course she drives me insane. She cannot stand to be left alone. She really likes being outdoors...as long as you are out there with her. Mostly she just hates being left out or behind. I love her anyway.

Toby is our oldest cat. I talked Jared into taking me to get a kitten after receiving some depressing news one night - yes I am a recovering emotional pet adopter. Originally Toby's name was Cami. The place we adopted him from told us he was a girl. It wasn't until a few months after adopting him that I realized he wasn't going to need to be spayed, but rather neutered. That was an awkward conversation to have with the vet over the phone. "Um, she is, um, he has...testicles."

Toby is my favorite pet. He has the most beautiful eyes and the softest, silkiest fur. We always thought Toby was kind of a bad kitty...until we got Alice. Now we realize what a wonderful pet he really is. He really is the sweetest cat you will never see, because when strangers come over he hides: under the bed, behind the washing machine, in our kitchen cabinets, etc. And he gives us the least amount of grief of all our pets.

Bella was the next pet to come along. She is the cutest dog ever; a fact that causes her much anxiety and grief. Everyone who sees us walking our dogs wants to pet Bella (how could you resist that wrinkly face?). She hates the attention. She is so wary of strangers and gets super freaked out. Whereas Shelby would LOVE to have all of that attention, Bella runs, tail-tucked between her legs from it. She has warmed up so much and changed so much from the night we brought her home. I am such a proud pet mommy.

I was a little wary about how Bella would react to a volatile and unpredictable toddler, but she has been so beyond fabulous with Claire. She even tolerates Claire patting and scratching her. Shelby is still the only pet that allows Claire to "bounce" on her -- though I don't blame Bella, Toby, or Alice for that one--I don't like it when Claire bounces on me either. I wish other people could meet the sweet Bella that we know and love, but she is just too busy freaking out when strangers come over/near her. Oh well...

Alice is the bane of my existence. She is our youngest cat. She has the most adorable pink nose ever, and that is her only redeeming quality. Usually, Alice is a guest favorite. She is our most friendly, but least overwhelming pet. She will rub against your leg to greet you and might even hop in your lap for some pets. However "cute" and "sweet" she appears, do not be fooled.

I really think that Alice is mentally disabled. She drools if she gets too comfortable. She cannot jump up onto objects that should be child's play for a normal cat. She falls and tumbles over every time she tries to get down from a surface (no she doesn't always land on her feet). She knocks everything off of anywhere that she is capable of climbing on to. She gets into everything. And yet, somehow, she has still managed to weasel her way into our hearts. How did I ever let Jared talk me into getting that kitty?

Despite all of the weird personality quirks and the grief that our pets give us we really do love them, and they bring us all kinds of joy--occasionally. : )

So today I am thankful for our pets.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 15

Today I am thankful for our house that has become my home.

I am thankful that Jared and I were fortunate enough to purchase a house. I am thankful that our house has central heating and cooling. I am thankful that in our house we have hot and cold running water. I am thankful for a great many things about our house, but mostly I am thankful that it feels like home.

My husband and our daughter have helped to make this building into a loving environment where I feel safe and welcome. I definitely would not feel the same way about this house without either one of them. I am so thankful that our home is filled with love and laughter and joy.

I hope that this place will continue to feel like home until it is time for us to move on. And then I hope that this house will be able to become some other lucky family's home and keep them warm and sheltered just as it has done for us. I pray that Jared and I will be able to use our ownership of this house to glorify God in some way and that when it is time for us to leave this house behind that we will leave in such a way that God is glorified even more.

So today I am thankful for my house.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 14

Today I am thankful for my brother-in-law and my future brothers-in-law.

As I have previously written and explained (here and here) my sister and my sisters-in-law are such special, wonderful ladies. They deserve and have found some equally wonderful men to share their lives with.

Michael is my husband's brother. He and Jared are very similar and also very different. They both love video games (and other nerdy activities that I will not mention in this public forum), they went to the same university, they both played trombone, they both majored in computer science, both studied math, are both quiet and soft-spoken, and they are both extremely generous of their time and energy (especially when it comes to their wives).

Michael is kind of an amazing guy. I don't even know how many languages he knows now, but I am pretty sure it is more than I can count on one hand. He is extremely gifted when it comes to linguistics. And he is very musical. He knows how to play several instruments and was in a Hindi Hip Hop band (Rhthym Mandir - they even played at our wedding which was pretty fantastic).

I feel like I have a hard time directly conversing with Michael - just because we personally have so little in common and he is so quiet, but I have gotten to know many different facets of him through various people- his wife, a group of his close friends, and his brother. The one thing they all would agree upon (me included) is that they think the world of Michael. Everyone agrees he is a stand-up guy and a worthy friend (or husband, or brother as the case may be).

Michael didn't seem like the kind of guy who would be comfortable with children, but he has been an excellent Uncle to Claire. He makes faces with her, plays music for her, and just lets her be herself. It is really endearing to watch and I can't wait for him to be more involved in her life when they move back and as she grows up. He is going to be a wonderful father someday.

I also have two future brothers-in-law. My sister-in-law Kate is getting married in February of 2013 and my own sister Dorothy will be tying the knot in May of 2013. I am pretty excited about both of these weddings and the reason is because of the men that my sisters have chosen as their partners.

Dave is perfect for Kate. He knows how to handle all of her energy and exuberance and he can dish it as well as he can take it. He is a really sweet and sincere guy and I really look forward to him being a part of the family and getting to know him a lot better.

My sister is marrying Travis. I have been so impressed with Travis. I don't know him well yet, but I can already tell that I am going to really enjoy having him be a part of the family. He is super nice and easy to get along with. I think my favorite things about him so far are just how easy going he is and how sincere he seems. He is also really cute around Claire which is a good trait for a future Uncle. And he is respectful and helpful to everyone.

He was up for a visit with my sister one weekend and instead of hiding out in a bedroom or chasing my crazy sister around the house he was just chilling out in the living room with my dad. He doesn't hover or act awkward. He just fits in. I can tell how much he admires and respects my sister and that makes me admire and respect him. I am really excited about getting a chance to get to know him better.


So today I am thankful for my brother-in-law and my future brothers-in-law.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 13

Today I am thankful for my sisters-in-law.

I have three wonderful, beautiful, and talented sisters-in-law.

Ashley was my very first new sister. She married my older brother. She is a creative, extroverted, passionate person. Pretty much the opposite of me. ; ) I love her to death - she enjoys people and trying new things and she really inspires me as a person. I love her view of the world; it is just so positive. Even though I was away at school when she and my brother started dating she still welcomed me like we had known each other forever. I got to visit them a few times while they were living in New Jersey and some of my fondest memories are of spending that time hanging out with and getting to know Ashley. Especially getting dressed and primped in the morning - which is funny because I am not usually a primp-er. Another one of my favorite things about Ashley is how excited she gets for others. She is always one of the first people I want to tell about new things because she is genuinely thrilled for other people when they have good news.

The second sister-in-law to enter my life was Kate. I married her brother and became part of his family. Kate is exuberant and outgoing. She actually reminds me a lot of Ashley personality-wise. I am pretty sure they have both been put into my life to help draw me out of my shell. Kate was just going off to college when Jared and I got married, so I haven't seen as much of her as I would have liked to, but we have gotten to go on several family trips together. I love teasing Kate and giving her a hard time. She is pretty easy-going and fairly gullible, but she is also not afraid to dish it right back at me. I am so glad to have Kate in my life and I look forward to being a part of some big milestones in the next few years. She is getting married this February and I get to be a bridesmaid.

 My last, but certainly not least, new sister-in-law was Erin. She married Jared's brother Michael. Erin has played some very important and vital roles in my life. She is definitely more like me, in personality, than Ashley or Kate and it is nice to have a sister-in-law that just likes to be still and quiet from time to time. Erin is introverted, kindhearted, sweet-spirited, and gentle. She has been such a good influence on me because she has very real and very deep empathy for others. She has such a big heart.

Erin and I became fast friends during the time that she and Michael were dating and the earliest months of their marriage. It was so nice to have her around and I enjoyed spending time with her more than words can express. She was a kindred spirit and dear friend to me. She has since relocated to Santiago, Chile with Michael and the separation has been very difficult for me. I miss my dear friend. Happily they are returning to Arkansas within the year. I look forward to continuing to get to know Erin and grow our friendship over the years.

Not only are these three women amazing sisters-in-law, but they are also amazing Aunts. Claire is so fortunate to have them in her life. They love and spoil her like crazy. So not only am I thankful to have them in and blessing my life, but Claire's as well.

So today I am thankful for Ashley, Kate, and Erin.

Monday, November 12, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 12

Today I am thankful for my super, awesome in-laws.

The hubby's parents are good in-laws for a number of reasons. Here are just a few:

1. They are nice people.
2. They love their son, me, and especially their granddaughter.
3. They take us on amazing trips. (Spain, Disney World, Ireland)
4. They even send us on trips and don't make us bring them with us. (Hawaii, Palm Springs)
5. They buy us lunch almost every Sunday.
6. They raised a really generous, loving, kind-hearted son*, and let me marry him.
7. They are beyond generous and are willing to help out, in any way they can, if we need something.
8. They don't charge us to babysit. : )

I know a lot of people have difficulty with their in-laws, but I am so lucky in regards to the family I married into. We are so blessed to have them living in the same town that we do. I really cannot say enough nice things about them. I hope they know how much we love and appreciate them.

JuJu and Zo

So today, I am thankful for my in-laws: Rob and Judy.

*(technically they raised two of those same kind of sons...and my good friend Erin reaped the benefits too by marrying their oldest son)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 11

Today I am thankful for the country that I live in, the freedoms that I have, and the men and women who have served this country to make it all possible.

I can only imagine what it would be like to live in a war-torn country, an impoverished third-world country, or under a dictatorship or some other restrictive type of rule/government. All I have ever known is the freedom I have to live how I want, work the job(s) I want, worship how I want, and to speak freely about my opinions and desires.

I hope that our country will continue the proud  tradition of allowing its citizens to live with the freedoms that our forefathers established and that our current soldiers and veterans have and continue to fight for. 

Thank you for your sacrifices veterans.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

30 Days of Thankful: Day 10

Today I am thankful that I am an Aunt.

I am hopeful that there will be many more additions to my niece/nephew columns in the future, but for now I am excited about my new niece Sutton Grace.

She is the daughter of my brother and his wife. She has beautiful dark hair just like Claire did when she arrived, dimples, gloriously chubby baby cheeks, and looks so much like the perfect combination of David and Ashley.

I haven't even gotten to meet her or hold her, but just seeing pictures of her sweet face melts my heart. It is amazing how much love you can have for a practical stranger when they are family. I can't wait for my chance to get to know her. I am pretty new at being an aunt, but I am super excited about the prospects. Hopefully I won't disappoint.