Monday, February 28, 2011


Our baby girl is one month old today. I cannot believe how quickly this first month has gone. I know she is going to grow up way too fast. I think I was one of those mothers who needed time to adjust before she felt the rush of overwhelming love. Don't get me wrong -- I loved little Claire from the moment she came into the world -- I also had moments of frustration and resentment and then anger with myself for feeling those things for a tiny helpless baby. However, after a few solid nights of sleep I can proudly say that I feel slightly more confident in caring for this new person. I also feel like I have no idea what I would do if she wasn't here and in my life. She is so precious to me and I cannot wait to watch her grow and develop and learn. I love that little munchkin.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


It seems as if everyone is having babies these days. Claire Marie Allen arrived on January 27, 2011. She was exactly one week early and she came the week preceding two huge snow storms for Northwest Arkansas. I am delighted that she is here and am looking forward to learning how to be her mother. There are definitely days when I am sleep deprived and not feeling well that I wonder what I got myself into, but overall she has been a joy and a delight. I learn something new about her everyday. She is constantly growing and changing.

Who would have thought that babies were so complicated. It is a good thing I love her a whole bunch. I think my favorite thing is watching Jared interact with her. He is really smitten with her. It is adorable to see and experience. He is and will continue to be the best dad.