Thursday, January 31, 2013

Claire's Birthday

Claire's second birthday party was this past Saturday and her actual birthday was Sunday. I think everyone had a great time at the party, but I know that I did. I have so much fun setting things up and getting ready for the big celebration. And Claire was so much more into it this year. Plus I had some awesome help from my amazing sister-in-law for party planning and set-up. (Thanks Tia!)

Claire used a fork for her cake. It is amazing how much changes in one short year with little ones.

She kept saying, "Mmmm, that's yummy."
 Plus, this year we invited a couple of close buddies to join in the fun.

Some of my best buddies and their kiddos.

Carter practicing for his upcoming 1st birthday. : )

Claire loves her Zo.
Jared had a hard time with this birthday. He still wants Claire to be his little baby. And although she will always be his baby...she is definitely growing up. I have just really enjoyed seeing Claire progress through each stage of development and I am excited about the young woman she will become. Although, I can already tell this next year is going to be a trying one - I am still looking forward to seeing Claire's progression through toddler-hood.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am planning Amelia's arrival around the idea that she will be at least a week early. Claire was a week early, so I figure that is as good a timeline as any to start with - since pregnancy and labor are so unpredictable. Which basically means I have 10 weeks to get things squared away. That doesn't sound like very much time to me. In fact every time I think about the list of things I want to get accomplished between now and then I start to have a panic attack (not literally). This pregnancy is flying by. And there is still so much going on within our families over the next few months.

First and foremost my dad and Claire both have birthdays between now and next week. Claire is turning TWO! How did this happen? How did my sweet, first born baby turn into a strong-willed toddler? She actually said, "Come here now, mommy!" to me earlier. So I am busy planning and preparing for that celebration (sorry dad, your birthday is special, but not as special as Claire's).

Next month (in three weeks) we are traveling to Florida for a week for Jared's sister's wedding. While we are there three major things will occur: 1) Valentine's day, 2) Kate's wedding, 3) Jared's birthday. So I have three events to prepare for in addition to packing for our family for an entire week. Once we get back I will have just six short weeks to finish up all the little details that need to be addressed before Amelia's arrival.

Amelia is going to be here before I know it. 

Monday, January 14, 2013


No not other people - us. The little one has had a cold and stomach bug over the last couple of days. And I have caught her fabulous cold. No, it isn't really fabulous. In fact it pretty much stinks.

Each day of illness has been long and tear-filled. Each night has been even longer and more exhausting than the day. I hate it when my baby is sick. I imagine (hope) that every parent feels that way. They are so small and helpless and they don't understand that there isn't always something mommy or daddy can do to fix it. So sad.

That being in the heck are we going to do this when there are two of them?!?!?! I am barely hanging on and surviving with just one sick kiddo. What about when I have a sick kiddo and a newborn? Or two sick kiddos? Honestly, the only thing that has gotten me through the last few days is relying on the Lord to provide the strength I need to just make it through, one day at a time. That and the fact that my husband is a super team player, who is way more patient than I am, and who is willing to take an equal share in the grossness that is a stomach bug. I am so blessed to have him as my teammate.

Thank you Jesus for your sustaining grace and my husband. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

So it is now 2013. Jared and I rang in the New Year like an old married couple with a small child. We had a quiet dinner together as a family, then played for a while, read some books, and put Claire to bed. After Claire was asleep, Jared and I just hung out in our pajamas until midnight and then I promptly went to bed. We did celebrate official midnight with some ginger ale and a kiss. : ) So it was a pretty good night - even if it wasn't especially exciting or noteworthy.

I am now 26 weeks along and this is the year in which I am going to have my second baby. I can't believe Amelia's arrival is only three months away. I still have so much going on and to get finished between now and then.
26 weeks
Claire's second birthday is quickly approaching - I only have three weeks to decide on a theme, get decorations, and send out invites. Plus, my mom and dad both have birthdays before Claire's. We leave for a week in Florida and to celebrate Jared's sister's wedding in just five weeks. And then I will have about a month and a half before sweet, little girl #2 arrives. I still have to get bedding, wall decor, drapes, a changing pad/cover, a baby monitor, and diapers and wipes; in addition, the dresser and glider both have to be sanded down, repainted, and then moved into the nursery.

Once all of the birthday and wedding shenanigans are over it will be time to start thinking about preparing some frozen meals for after Amelia's arrival and then packing up a hospital bag and gearing up for the big day. Three months is going to go by in a hurry and I am not sure I am mentally ready for the daily activities of mothering two little girls simultaneously. Don't get me wrong, I am SO excited to meet Amelia, but I am not in as big a hurry for her to get here and require arms to hold her and my undivided attention as I was when I was pregnant with Claire. Maybe I am wiser now than I was two years ago?

Anyway, I had a great 2012 and I am thoroughly looking forward to all the promise that 2013 holds. So many weddings and other exciting things on the horizon.