Saturday, December 28, 2013


What a great Christmas season celebrating with all of our family. We had some Allen family Christmas celebrations and some Wright family celebrations. We even had our annual Malone - Wright White Elephant exchange. It was so fun to have Christmas with our cousin (Sutton) this year. And it was Amelia's first Christmas. So it was a very busy and very exciting holiday season. Here are some pictures:

 A little Christmas tree action.

 It was Amelia's first Christmas. :-)

The cousins all had matching pjs thanks to Aunt Ashley and Uncle David. However, getting a good pic of all of them in said matching pjs was next to impossible.The above pic was one of the two best I got - if that tells you anything. ;-)

To conclude our Wright Christmas celebrations we lit some lanterns that were leftover from my sister's May (2013) wedding. It was pretty fun and they looked beautiful rising up into the night sky.

Shredder Dave

I have been trying to write this post for almost ten months and I still don't really know what to say, or how to say it. There are no words, or at least no words I can find that seem to really fit, to sum up my feelings regarding your passing.

I will never forget the day I found out that Katie was dating someone who called himself "Shredder Dave." I thought it was such a weird name for a grown man to go by. I was pretty incredulous that this relationship was ever going to turn into anything substantial. However, Katie kept insisting that you were a keeper. And then I met you. And it all made sense. ;-) You were a heckuva guy David Adams. Self assured. Loyal. Generous and so kind. You were a friend to everyone you met. I remember my dad talking very fondly of you after just having spent a few short days getting to know you on our Disney trip.

I have definitely run the gamut of the grieving process. I have felt: shock , disbelief, anger, sadness, joy for you (Praising His name in His presence), and so much more. I grieve because I didn't get the chance to know you as well as I would have liked. I grieve because you were so young and just married. I grieve because my oldest daughter will not get to make silly faces with you again. I grieve because my youngest daughter will never have the chance to know you and make silly faces with you.

The crux of the issue is:

We miss you so much Uncle Dave. I miss you.

Will Claire remember you well enough to miss you? In some ways I hope that she will and in other ways I kind of hope she doesn't. I know that when she talks about "Aunt Kate's wedding" and "Uncle Dave" that it sort of breaks my heart. My heart breaks for her (even though she is too young to really understand), for Aunt Kate, and for myself.

I am so glad that your death was not a horrible, drawn out process. I am so glad that you are jamming out with Jesus. I am so glad to see your legacy building up our Savior in the lives of so many. But I also miss you. And I just needed to put that out there. You were missed all summer. You were missed at Thanksgiving. You were missed at Christmas. You will continually be missed by so many friends and loved ones that you left behind. And I am sad that you are gone, but I am so happy to know where you are and what you are getting to do. And I know that you are not sad anymore - sadness is reserved for the living.

Goodbye Shredder Dave.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Busy with the Babies

So I guess I am in a stage of life where my time is at a premium. There are husbands and babies, and family, and friends who all take up pieces of my days. And it all adds up to having very little time to write about what all is going on.
You know what though, I would rather have my days filled with those things (plenty to write about), but little time to do the actual writing than the other way around. :-) I live a very blessed life--even on the days that are crazy and make me want to pull all of my hair out--I am so very, very blessed.
So here are some pictures of our shenanigans lately:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I very much dislike it when my blog sits idle and empty. Writing is such a cathartic activity for me. Lately, however, life has just been beating me down. I have been feeling empty. Dry. Parched. And when I feel down it makes it very hard to write. (Honestly, it has been hard to do anything that makes me feel better.) It is especially difficult when I know that other people have the potential to read what I have written.

I definitely don't want to be that person who hides what is really going on and only shows the perfectly clean house, perfectly behaved children, perfect happy marriage, and perfectly put together self. I don't want to be a "Fakebooker." I want to be real, but exposing myself to that level of scrutiny is hard. It is hard for me to even admit to myself that I often don't behave rightly or think rightly when things are not going my way; let alone share it with the Internet.

So, the past few months life has been messy. Some days I have cooperated and let God's grace wash over and through me and I have handled things reasonably well. Most days, however, I have gotten frustrated, angry, short-tempered, sad, down and just plain ugly.

Having young children is such a reality check. As I was growing up I always knew I wanted a husband, children, a home--a family--of my own. I never thought about how hard having those things would be though.

Marriage is hard work. Motherhood is hard work. Probably the hardest things I have ever done in my life. Try to love my husband well and raise my children well.  They are the greatest gifts I could have ever received, but they take some serious effort. I don't get to do what I want, whenever I want to anymore. I don't get to think of myself first. Not if I want to raise God-fearing, socially acceptable children and have a successful marriage. Sure if I wanted wild, lunatic monkeys for children, or a one-way ticket to divorce court--then I could be as selfish and self-serving as I wanted. Is it really so much to ask that they take a nap at the same time once during the day? I mean honestly, what I would give for an hour of alone "me" time.

My husband was and is such a blessing in my life (as are my children), but he is also very different from me. He does things in a different way. He thinks about the world in a different way. He has his own unique perspective. And very often those ways of thinking and doing life are different from (and even conflict with) my own. Then we threw two children into the mix (are we crazy!?!?) Two additional unique individuals. One of which has a definite strong will and stubborn streak (of course I have no clue where those personality traits came from) and the other who is just starting to show her own individual personality and desires. They are tiny humans, but they still want things done a certain way (their own way).

I am admitting that it is a struggle to balance everything. I want to be selfish. I want to do things and have things go my way. In fact most EVERY days I mess up pretty much all of what I am supposed to be in charge of. I cannot tell you how many times I have gone to bed feeling like a total and complete failure. I often feel like an inadequate wife, mother, sister, daughter, Christian, etc. The only thing that keeps me going is the reminder that it is not my job to do it all perfectly, or to even do it all. It is HIS. He sustains me (Psalm 3:4-6). It is hard to remember that in the midst of the chaos that is my life lately. In fact, there have been some days where I just flat out felt alone. Completely and utterly alone. I think how can this be so hard? Other people handle more than this. Other people are doing this (and/or more) so much better than me. Other people...those doubts and feelings of worthlessness are just lies from an enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy everything good in my life (John 10:10).

The truth is I am an inadequate wife, mother, daughter, sister, Christian, etc. All on my own, I am inadequate (Romans 3:23). I am not now, nor will I ever be enough, but I do not have to be. I do not have to measure up to other people. I do not have to meet their standard of excellence. I just need to rely on God and be obedient with what has been tasked to me. His strength is what is going to get me through the day and He is omnipotent. Just be obedient and do the best with what has been given to me. (Easier said than done am I right?!?!)

I have to remind myself daily (every second of every day) that I am worthwhile and that I am not alone. I am a child of God. He has sealed me with his Holy Spirit who is interceding on my behalf (Romans 8:26, what a promise!). I, of course, also need daily reminding that I cannot do it alone. If He/life didn't remind me I would become a prideful mess.

No matter how good or terrible my day has been it always comes back to the basic truths. I am a sinner, my children are sinners, the enemy wants to trip us up and steal our joy, and life is messy, but God is good. God loves me (us, Psalms 136:1-3) and wants the best for me (us, Jeremiah 29:11), but that doesn't mean the best will be easy. I must "count it all joy" (James 1:2-4)because He is using this time in my life--these struggles--to perfect me and make me capable of bringing His kingdom glory.

So I am going to continue to soldier on. I am going to get down in the trenches of this motherhood thing and I am going to do my best. I hope that my good days will outnumber my bad days. I also hope that I will continue to push myself to write--even when I feel like the only things I have to write about are how horribly I failed that day--although I make no promises. If my blog is idle it's because I am busy battling. And in the end I will win my battle because I am not alone...even when it feels like it...I have a Strong Tower (Psalm 61:2-4), a Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), an Almighty God fighting on my behalf.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Family Videos

Here are some videos of our kiddos doing some things. :-) Some of them are sweet. Some of them are funny. Some of them are amazing. If you don't like kids - these videos are not for you. If you don't like our kids - these videos are not for you. So mostly I am posting these for JuJu and MeMe and all of the Aunts and Uncles.

Amelia Giggling

Claire Swimming

Claire "Catching" Bubbles

Claire's Memory Verse

Claire Reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Claire's version of "The Hokey Pokey"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I just had to share this great pic of my husband who is now the daddy to two amazing little girls:

Happy Father's Day! 

You're a wonderful husband and father, and we're truly blessed to have you in our lives. 

We love you.

And Happy Father's Day to all of the other fathers, future fathers, fathers of angel babies, and any other father figures. You play an important role in the lives of the children you love. Thank you for all that you do.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Bridesmaids dresses are not conducive to nursing...

So Dorothy (my little sister) is hitched. The wedding was at the end of May, I was the Matron of Honor (truly an honor indeed), and Claire got to be a flower girl.

I was so glad and proud to be a part of Dorothy's big day, but it was not without its challenges. I was nursing a newborn, in charge of a toddler, and co-hosting Dorothy's bachelorette and lingerie shower festivities. Not to mention that Jared was a groomsmen in a different wedding during the same weekend. He helped out as much as he could, but he had his own activities and schedule that he had to follow. If it were not for my sister-in-law, Ashley, and Jared's family I do not think I would have made it.  Luckily, the weddings were not on the same day. Suffice to say we had a jam packed weekend.

Friday Night:

Jared had his rehearsal dinner. I (and Amelia tagged along) had Dorothy's bachelorette party and lingerie shower. Claire went to see her JuJu and Zo.


We had Dorothy's rehearsal around noon. There was a wedding party get together/lunch at my parents house. Jared had to go take pictures around 3:00pm and then had his wedding. Claire went to take a nap at the Allen's house and stayed with them until they took her home for bedtime. I attended the wedding (with Amelia in tow - she refused/continues to refuse to take a bottle) and then rushed over to Dorothy's rehearsal dinner. Jared joined Amelia and I when he was finished visiting with his friends and his wedding duties were over.


Amelia and I attended a Bridesmaid's Brunch and then went to get our hair done with (another) Claire (the groom's sister). Then we headed to my parent's house where the rest of the bridal party was getting ready. Then it was a whirlwind of make-up and getting to the venue. Claire (my toddler) was with Jared in the morning and then got dropped off at her JuJu and Zo's (again!) for a nap - before they dressed her and brought her for pictures. Then it was go time!


General Comments/Feelings:

The most stressful moments were definitely during pictures when I was in charge of Dorothy's dress/veil, my dress, and Claire - she was NOT in a cooperative mood.  I was also so worried that she was going to decide not to walk down the aisle (Claire, not Dorothy) or that she would throw a tantrum at some point mid-walk.

All my worries were for nothing. Claire did beautifully. She walked down the aisle perfectly, then let out a little shout of excitement when she saw her JuJu waiting for her, and took off at a toddler run to get to her. It was so cute. After that point I took a deep breath and enjoyed myself much more. Jared had Amelia and I only had myself and Dorothy to worry about for half an hour.

Then after the ceremony it was a whirlwind of making sure everyone (else) was fed, Dorothy had everything she needed, my toast (which I totally did not prepare for adequately, but turned out okay), and trying to enjoy some of the reception.Yeah, I never did get to eat dinner, but that's okay. Even though I missed at least half of the reception - between nursing, Matron of Honor duties, etc. - the parts I did see/get to be a part of were a lot of fun.

Claire and the newlyweds.
Also, it turns out that a combination of nursing and not having time to eat is an excellent way to lose weight - I was down three pounds by the end of the weekend. However, I don't really recommend that diet to anyone. ;-)

It was a beautiful ceremony, Dorothy was a beautiful bride, and I was one proud sister. We all had a great time. I don't really care to repeat the craziness of that weekend ever again, but it was a really sweet time with/for my family.

Too bad I didn't have time (or free hands) to take any pictures. 

Holy Moly...

So I know it has been about a month since I posted, but life has been crazy! I am only posting now because I am not exhausted and both girls are asleep...the house is quiet.

Amelia Jo is almost two-months old now. Claire is almost 2 and a half years old and my little sister is married.

May went by in a whirlwind. I was trying to get the hang of mothering two (which I am still trying to get the hang of by the way), planning a bachelorette party for my little sister, and working off some baby weight in order to cram myself into a bridesmaids' dress (which I did fit into--barely).

I love Claire, I love Amelia, and I cannot imagine my life without either of those little boogers, but parenting two is a daily hourly minute-by-minute challenge (and I can only imagine that with each successive child the challenge just continues to grow). It is such a weird place to find yourself. Absolutely loving your life and loathing it simultaneously. I don't mean literally loathing life, but there are definitely moments when I think, "How did I get myself into this mess?" Of course, there are also moments when I think, "How did I get blessed with this mess?" I mean seriously. I have two of the most precious baby girls (and a fabulous husband; who happens to be the world's best daddy too).

Claire is in the middle of her second year. It is a really fun time to be her mother AND it is a really difficult time to be her mother. I am so glad that the Lord's mercies are new each morning because boy do I need it. I do not get enough sleep (Amelia needs to eat at night) and my patience just wears thinner and thinner throughout the day. There are many nights that I go to bed feeling like I have absolutely failed at mothering Claire. Luckily, she is pretty forgiving at this age. I do wonder (and worry) if our nap time (and other) power struggles are going to have lasting harmful effects on her and/or our relationship. Surely other parents worry about this - I can only hope I am not the only one. Even though we have our fair share of stand-offs throughout most days, we have some really precious moments too.

Amelia is such a good baby. She naps. She eats. She is growing SO quickly. I never had those "she is getting too big too fast" moments with Claire. I was always just so glad she was gaining weight (we had trouble with that in the first few months), but Amelia is a different baby entirely. I am pretty sure she is just average sized, but she is wearing clothes that Claire didn't fit into until she was five months old; and she is not even two months old! Also, Amelia is a snuggler - Claire never really was - so I am cherishing my little snuggle bug. : ) I really cannot imagine our lives without Amelia. She is such a sweet blessing and has wiggled her way into my heart right next to her sister. I still cannot fathom how one heart can hold so much love, but my love for these girls just continues to grow.

God gives us so much more grace than we deserve (because we deserve none), but I cannot remember a time when I have been more aware of that fact than during this season of my life.

So, in order to not make this the world's longest post, I am going to break this up into two posts. Dorothy's wedding weekend to follow.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sister Comparisons

It is kind of fun to have two girls - I like to look through all of the pictures we have so far and compare what they look(ed) like at each stage. It is remarkable to me how much alike and how different they are at the same time. Here are some examples and pics that I have noticed up to now:

Claire - 2 weeks old - Amelia
Amelia has some hair, but Claire had so much more hair. Claire's hair was also darker.

Also, Claire's eyes were dark brown from day one. Amelia's eyes are a grayish color - so we are really curious to see what color they end up.

Claire was smaller and gained weight much more slowly.

Claire was awake and alert a lot more of the time earlier on and Amelia goes to sleep so much more easily.

Claire - First tub bath - Amelia

I am telling you the comparison aspect is just so fascinating to me. How the same two people's DNA can combine in so many different ways. Which ultimately results in two completely different human beings that also have so much in common.

I can't wait to watch them both grow and develop and continue to discover new similarities and differences between the two.

She is Finally Here...

...And I am finally posting about it.

Amelia Jo arrived (via induction) at 11:39 am on April 16th. She weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz and was 21" long. The labor was very short compared to my last one and we were both doing fine after delivery. There were several moments of excitement throughout the whole process, but I will save those for close friends and family.

Amelia has been a very amiable baby so far. Also, she is eating like a champ. We had trouble with Claire's weight for the first four or five months, so to have a baby that is nursing well and gaining weight well is such a relief. Amelia was 9 lbs even at her two week doctors appointment. (It took Claire three or four months to reach 9 lbs).

Amelia has been here for two and a half weeks now (She will be three weeks old on Tuesday). Some days it feels like so much longer and some days I can't believe how quickly these (almost) three weeks have gone by.

So here are some pics:

2 weeks

1 week

1 day
Having two little ones is definitely a game changer. I am extremely tired and I worry that I am failing as a parent most days, but I also feel so blessed and joyful at the same time. Now that Amelia is here I cannot imagine what we ever did without her. She has filled a void in our family that I didn't even realize existed.

I have been really terrible about blogging, but I have a pretty good excuse - at least for the last three weeks anyway. Posting is going to have to be done only on the weekends (that aren't crammed full of wedding/family stuff) for a while - when I have back up. : )

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are...

38 wks

40 wks
39 wks

36 wks
30 wks

33 wks
22 wks

28 wks

26 wks
I have done a lot better about taking semi-regular pictures of the bump this pregnancy. Of course...I didn't have a chance to take a 39 week pic or a 40 week pic with Claire---because she graced us with her presence a week early.

I am trying really hard not to become super depressed about the fact that I am still pregnant, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. I know I am--and should feel--blessed to have a full-term, healthy pregnancy - and I do - but I am also exhausted and really sick of being sick. The vomiting, heartburn, insomnia that starts around 3:00am each morning, and back pain all make it hard to appreciate being pregnant.

Also, I really wish people would just stop telling me how ready they are for Amelia to get here. Really? You're ready? You don't want to wait a few more weeks? I know you are ready. You want to know how I know? Because I am the one baking this kid and I am more than ready - beyond ready - and I have been for WEEKS!

And guess what...I am doing everything that I can think of (or find on the Internet--with the exception of drinking Castor Oil - I will NOT do that) to try and speed the process along. ;-)

Okay, so now that I am done venting, let me just tell you how anxious/excited I am about meeting this little girl. I am thinking she takes after her daddy (read: totally laid back and not in any kind of hurry). I have so many questions about her. Will she have a ton of hair like Claire? What will she look like? How will she be similar to and/or different from Claire? So many things I want to know...I wish she would hurry up and help me answer some of them.

I made sure that I would have all of my chores and "To Do" list items completed at least a week early just in case (because Claire was early and I am always early, and so I expected Amelia to follow suit). So now I am sitting around with nothing to occupy my time (other than usual motherhood/household chores). Thank goodness for my Mom to Mom bible study, grocery shopping, and laundry. I am pretty sure those are the only things keeping me sane during this waiting game. And also my husband, friends, and family who invite me out to do stuff - so I don't just sit around the house all day lamenting Amelia's tardiness.

I know in a year these last few weeks will seem like no time at all, but right now the time is dragging by and each day and each night feels like an eternity.

Friday, March 15, 2013

36 Weeks

I am in the countdown stretch of this pregnancy - which is/has been thrilling and terrifying - equally.

I am so excited to meet Amelia and love on our little girl. I am also EXTREMELY ready to be done with pregnancy, but I am also so anxious about mothering two small children...simultaneously. How will I do it? I lose my patience with one. I get frustrated with one. I lose sleep with one. I am so exhausted some days that I am not sure I will make it to nap time--with one. How am I going to handle two?

I know that on my own I cannot handle two. Luckily, the Lord's grace is sufficient. I just have to remember to lean into Him on those days when I feel like I am not enough - which is just about everyday.

Of course I also have days that are so joy-filled and wonderful that I cannot imagine how I got to be so lucky. And there will be double the joy on those days. I just need to keep reminding myself that I will have double the blessing on those days and that God will provide strength and endurance on the days that are not so wonderful.

So...36 weeks. I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by. I am starting to feel sick and/or throw up most days again. :-( Sleep is also becoming very illusive. Here is a pic of what I look like at 36 weeks this pregnancy (and at 38 weeks with Claire):

36 weeks - Amelia
38 weeks - Claire

The doctor informed me today that I am 1cm dilated and 60% effaced. This was so exciting to hear. I never dilated or effaced with Claire, so I feel like I am making some very big progress. Of course, then my mother tells me that she was 90% effaced and almost 3 or 4 cm dilated with my brother...and they had to induce labor after she had gone two weeks over her due date...thanks a lot mom. ;-)

I have a very strong feeling that because Claire was a week early and because I am already showing signs of progression that little miss Amelia will be here sometime before her official due date. I have been having a ton of Braxton-Hicks contractions and have been feeling very anxious - which are both signs that labor is approaching. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

This is one of the hardest parts of pregnancy (especially for a type A, list-making, planner) -- not knowing exactly when, or what, or how anything will happen. I have officially checked off most of my to-do before baby list. So I take some comfort in knowing that I am pretty much ready whenever, but there are still a couple of things that I would really like to get done. Hopefully, I have at least a week to finish them. I guess we will find out.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Pregnant Bridesmaid

Last week we travelled to Florida for my husband's sister's wedding. Air travel while 32 weeks pregnant is definitely not ideal and traveling with a toddler is difficult on a good day (why do they need so much stuff?), but combining the two was pretty ridiculous. Let's just say that I am very, very glad that a) it is over, and b) that Claire is such a good traveler anyway. Also, I am not going ANYWHERE (further than a 30-45 minute drive) for the duration of this pregnancy. Thank you very much.

Luckily, we also got to spend a couple of days going to and enjoying Disney World and Universal Studios with some of the family that was in Florida for the weeding. Claire has a really wonderful JuJu (and Aunt Kate - who got us into Disney for free). JuJu arranged a character breakfast with Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and Eeyore - Claire LOVED it! (Evidence of said love below.)

We did a lot of fun stuff: riding Ariel's new ride, Cinderella's Carousel, Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice's Teacups, etc -- all of which mesmerized Claire -- but I definitely think that meeting the characters was a highlight of both Disney and Universal (where she got to meet Dora and Boots).

Our Orlando condo had a heated swimming pool, so Claire (and mommy) also got to go swimming - which she has been dying to do since this past summer. And there was a playground too, so Claire got some quality sliding and swinging in as well. At some point vacation ended and wedding festivities began.

It is funny; I have fifty or more pictures from Disney and Universal, but not a single picture from the wedding. Oops.

Being a bridesmaid is all about making the bride feel loved and supported. This is usually not a difficult task to undertake unless you are dealing with a crazy bridezilla...or you are 32+ weeks pregnant and have to pee every five minutes. I did my best and I hope it was enough. I even stayed up past 10:00 pm to partake in the bachelorette festivities. If that isn't unconditional love I don't know what is!?!?!

I think the hardest part of being the pregnant bridesmaid was actually wrangling my two-year-old while being the pregnant bridesmaid. (The toddler was also part of the wedding, as well as my husband, so we were busy). Thankfully, my mom was able to fly down late Friday evening and help us throughout the wedding day - otherwise I am not sure what we would have done (other than go berserk).

There were a few minor disasters--the women (in our maids brunch finery) had a flat tire on the rental van while driving out to the coast--and I was totally frazzled and exhausted by the end of most nights, but we made it through and made it home safely. Plus, Claire took a nap in between the pictures and the ceremony (thank you Lord and MeMe), she didn't break down at the reception, she had a blast meeting her new second cousin Lexi, she looked absolutely adorable in her flower girl dress, and Kate and Dave are happily married despite the weekends few hiccups.

This post could go on and on with details of each day and the ceremony and reception, but I think I will just end with congrats Kate and Dave - we love you guys and were SO glad to be a part of your wedding. 

P.S. Thank you Jesus, for sending Richard (who might just be an angel) to change our tire. I am pretty sure I was the only one on board who knew how/had changed a tire before and I definitely did not want to roll around in the dirt trying to wrangle the tire and a spare while pregnant.

P.P.S. I can't believe I don't have any pictures of Jared, Claire, and I in our wedding finery. Shoot! : (

Friday, February 1, 2013

30 Weeks

I am now 30 weeks along with little miss Amelia. This pregnancy is going by so fast I can hardly stand it - I still have a lot to accomplish. Also, the third trimester has hit me like a ton of bricks. I am starting to feel uncomfortable some of the time, I have started regularly vomiting again (boo!), I have heartburn after almost every meal, I've started to have less energy/stamina, and I'm having major pregnancy insomnia. Even with all of the aforementioned symptoms I feel like this pregnancy is either a little easier than my pregnancy with Claire, or I have learned how to enjoy the parts that aren't terrible a little more.

For one thing I think Amelia is hanging out a little lower than Claire was/did. At least I feel like I can breath better and I am not near as uncomfortable sitting down. I was always trying to push Claire down because she had tucked herself right up under my diaphragm and in my ribcage. Thank you Amelia! Your mommy appreciates the extra breathing room. And I don't have back pain nearly as bad - I wonder if it is because I am not on my feet as much as I was (teaching) with Claire?!?!? Who knows. Anyway I am really trying to enjoy my pregnancy this time around (at least more than I did last time). 

Here are some pictures of the bump's progression:

28 weeks

30 weeks