Monday, March 19, 2012

My Gluteus Maximus

Yes this post is about my very sore right butt cheek. I just started playing in a developmental women's ultimate league. We practice different throws, run some drills to help newcomers understand flow, force, marking, etc., and we scrimmage. Yesterday was the first day of league that we have gotten to scrimmage and I learned a very important lesson:

My body is NOT in shape!

I was super sore after the first week just from cutting and running --it has been a while since I was really active - more than walking and the occasional bike ride-- so I thought the worst was over. My muscles had gotten their reminder about how they are supposed to function and now it was time to get with the program (and not be sore).

I was wrong. Actual scrimmaging took its toll. I didn't think the soreness was so bad until I tried to go up the stairs at our house. My left side is fine, but my right gluteus maximus is really hurting. I guess my body needs more than one week to remember what exercise and being active is all about.

This means I won't be sore after next weeks scrimmage...right?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly how I've felt during all my dance rehearsals at Universal. I've been sore for the past two weeks lol
