Thursday, July 19, 2012


Writing is so therapeutic for me. I wish I had time to sit and sort out my feelings and thoughts and write about them all the time. I could probably write a lot more often than I do.

Writing requires effort though and sometimes I am just so worn out that I want to sit and stare blankly at the TV or computer -- rather than really organizing a train of thought and putting it down on paper (or typing it out).

It is funny to me that I am not more enthusiastic about writing more of the time. It was my minor in college. In fact I would go so far as to say that my writing classes in college were my very favorite classes. I liked attending them/participating in them much, much more than the classes for my major. Should that have told me something? Did I pick the wrong major? I would have to say that I probably did not. I have LOVED teaching biology.

However, I am really thankful to have had those writing classes as a cathartic release.

What was the point of this post? I am not sure I had one. I think just to say that I have been feeling drawn back to my poetry/writing roots with a few of my recent posts (Heavy On My Heart and The Chasm).

I kind of feel weird about sharing poetry, that I have written, with other people. Poetry is so much more personal (to me) than other types of writing.

Also, there are a ton of really stringent guidelines for certain types - Haiku, Limericks, Sonnets, etc. - and then there are absolutely no guidelines for other types - free verse, found poetry, etc. Plus, I feel like my poetry is really amateur, so please don't be all critical/judgmental (at least not where I can hear/see it). 

Anyway, I hope that in the future I will find more time and energy to cultivate my writing, but if not at least I have had the chance for a therapy session today.  : )

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