Claire's second birthday party was this past Saturday and her actual birthday was Sunday. I think everyone had a great time at the party, but I
know that I did. I have so much fun setting things up and getting ready for the big celebration. And Claire was so much more into it this year. Plus I had some awesome help from my amazing sister-in-law for party planning and set-up. (Thanks Tia!)
Claire used a fork for her cake. It is amazing how much changes in one short year with little ones.
She kept saying, "Mmmm, that's yummy." |
Plus, this year we invited a couple of close buddies to join in the fun.
Some of my best buddies and their kiddos. |
Carter practicing for his upcoming 1st birthday. : ) | | | | | |
Claire loves her Zo. |
Jared had a hard time with this birthday. He still wants Claire to be his little baby. And although she will always be his baby...she is definitely growing up. I have just really enjoyed seeing Claire progress through each stage of development and I am excited about the young woman she will become. Although, I can already tell this next year is going to be a trying one - I am still looking forward to seeing Claire's progression through toddler-hood.
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