Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am planning Amelia's arrival around the idea that she will be at least a week early. Claire was a week early, so I figure that is as good a timeline as any to start with - since pregnancy and labor are so unpredictable. Which basically means I have 10 weeks to get things squared away. That doesn't sound like very much time to me. In fact every time I think about the list of things I want to get accomplished between now and then I start to have a panic attack (not literally). This pregnancy is flying by. And there is still so much going on within our families over the next few months.

First and foremost my dad and Claire both have birthdays between now and next week. Claire is turning TWO! How did this happen? How did my sweet, first born baby turn into a strong-willed toddler? She actually said, "Come here now, mommy!" to me earlier. So I am busy planning and preparing for that celebration (sorry dad, your birthday is special, but not as special as Claire's).

Next month (in three weeks) we are traveling to Florida for a week for Jared's sister's wedding. While we are there three major things will occur: 1) Valentine's day, 2) Kate's wedding, 3) Jared's birthday. So I have three events to prepare for in addition to packing for our family for an entire week. Once we get back I will have just six short weeks to finish up all the little details that need to be addressed before Amelia's arrival.

Amelia is going to be here before I know it. 

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