So it is now 2013. Jared and I rang in the New Year like an old married couple with a small child. We had a quiet dinner together as a family, then played for a while, read some books, and put Claire to bed. After Claire was asleep, Jared and I just hung out in our pajamas until midnight and then I promptly went to bed. We did celebrate official midnight with some ginger ale and a kiss. : ) So it was a pretty good night - even if it wasn't especially exciting or noteworthy.
I am now 26 weeks along and this is the year in which I am going to have my second baby. I can't believe Amelia's arrival is only three months away. I still have so much going on and to get finished between now and then.
26 weeks |
Claire's second birthday is quickly approaching - I only have three weeks to decide on a theme, get decorations, and send out invites. Plus, my mom and dad both have birthdays before Claire's. We leave for a week in Florida and to celebrate Jared's sister's wedding in just five weeks. And then I will have about a month and a half before sweet, little girl #2 arrives. I still have to get bedding, wall decor, drapes, a changing pad/cover, a baby monitor, and diapers and wipes; in addition, the dresser and glider both have to be sanded down, repainted, and then moved into the nursery.
Once all of the birthday and wedding shenanigans are over it will be time to start thinking about preparing some frozen meals for after Amelia's arrival and then packing up a hospital bag and gearing up for the big day. Three months is going to go by in a hurry and I am not sure I am mentally ready for the daily activities of mothering two little girls simultaneously. Don't get me wrong, I am
SO excited to meet Amelia, but I am not in as big a hurry for her to get here and require arms to hold her and my undivided attention as I was when I was pregnant with Claire.
Maybe I am wiser now than I was two years ago?
Anyway, I had a great 2012 and I am thoroughly looking forward to all the promise that 2013 holds. So many weddings and other exciting things on the horizon.
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